Particle physics is a captivating science at the heart of everything we know. It reveals the mysteries of the universe on an infinitely small scale, where particles interact in surprising and often counter-intuitive ways.
As part of our lunchtime conferences (In French only), Parité sciences is proud to welcome Jean-François Arguin, full professor at the Université de Montréal and recognized specialist in the application of artificial intelligence to particle physics. Jean-François is currently collaborating with CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research) on the ATLAS project, one of the largest experiments to be carried out with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC, located in the border region between France and Switzerland, is the world's most powerful particle gas pedal.
This machine recreates the conditions that existed when the universe was first created. Yes, you read that right: these experiments are nothing less than a window on the very origins of our existence. By recreating these conditions, scientists hope to answer fundamental questions about the nature of dark matter, antimatter and other enigmas that still elude our understanding.
Are there any women who have contributed to this development? Is this a field in which women's contribution is recognized? Jean-François Arguin is also co-founder of Parité sciences, an initiative to promote inclusion and diversity in the STEM fields (physical sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics). In this interview, he will address a crucial topic: the role of men in increasing the representation of women in science and technology. Contrary to certain preconceived ideas, this responsibility falls to all of us, and Jean-François Arguin will enlighten us on how each and every one of us can play an active role in this mission of parity.
This 45-minute interview, aimed at teachers and those working with primary, secondary and college students, will be broadcast live on Parité sciences' Facebook page and available free of charge on its YouTube channel. Whether you're passionate about the mysteries of the universe or committed to equity in science, this conference will be a great opportunity to learn more about these essential subjects.
Join us for a rewarding lunch break!
📅 Date : october 15th 📍 where : Parité Sciences Facebook and Youtube pages